Pictured below is the new circular bed in Shuttleworth Gardens showing the sweet peas just before they stopped flowering. The bed has looked stunning through the summer months and we owe thanks to PBS the contractor (who has been responsible for the restoration work in the gardens ) for the donation of wood which enabled us to make the pyramid for the centre of the bed . The Volunteer in Parks group are waiting to see the final touches of the restoration works. There will be new planting around the gardens some of which we understand will be cared for by the volunteers.

Good to see the reopening of the Cliff Lift. It will be featured in a television programme later this year.

B&Q have been very generous with plant donations this year and this has helped us to increase the floral
displays around the gardens. Many of the plants from B&Q have been perennials so they hopefully will provide flowers for many years.

Team report from Chris Harper, Head Gardener

The team is almost completely staffed. A new full-time permanent gardener is due to join the team imminently. Interviews are being held for an apprentice. One of the seasonal gardeners has left. The South Cliff Garden team are now expected to clean the public toilets in the Gardens. Most of this work will be carried out by the cleansing operative. Access throughout the Gardens has improved. Details about the proposed soft landscaping are still under discussion. The summer bedding is being removed
and the spring bedding is due to arrive in October. We have strimmed a large area of overgrown grass
bank underneath the cantilevered section of Esplanade south of the cliff lift. This has smartened up the
appearance of that area but also revealed graffiti. We continue to seek solutions to the graffiti problem.

ASB problems in the Ramshill residential area were discussed at a meeting at the Town Hall organised
by Cllr. Rich Maw. Some of the problems are affecting Prince of Wales Gardens and possibly spilling
over into the main Gardens. At the meeting one thing was made very clear: It is essential to report problems to the Police and below is the procedure: Is it an emergency? Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.

Antisocial behaviour takes many forms. From aggressive, noisy or abusive behaviour to neighbourhood disturbances involving drugs or animals. If you’ve witnessed antisocial behaviour, please report it. Reports are dealt with by the control room in exactly the same way whether you report it online or call Click on the QR code to report online or www.northyorkshire.police.uk/ro/report/asb/asb/report-antisocial-behaviour/

Access around the Gardens has had a major improvement with the opening of the tunnel under the Cliff Lift track. Details about proposed soft landscaping are still under discussion and we will ensure that areas such as the flower beds near the tunnel are made to look presentable. The picture below shows the tunnel at night.

The table tennis in Prince of Wales Garden continues to be popular. The box containing the bats and balls which was beneath the table has disappeared, but people are borrowing equipment from the Red Lea Hotel without any problem.

October Events

To join the Friends group: Please send us your name address and telephone number. Also tell us what kind of activity you are interested in e.g. Would like to do some gardening on Wednesday mornings.
Would like to help organise events and join the committee. Just want to hear what’s going on in the garden.
E Mail: secretary@talktalk.net or tel: 01723 379912


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